In Matthew 28:19 Jesus tells His 11 remaining disciples to "go ye". Translation in modern venacular; You go. Jesus was tellinng his followers to take His gospel into all the world and make new disciples of others. These men were obedient, but what about you Prophetic women of God? All Christians are called to share the good news of Jesus in their corner of the universe. Unfortunately far too many get caught up in maintaining the building where they worship. I mean no disrespect but ponder if you will, those who brag that they have been on Senior choir number 1 or Usher board number 2 for 50 plus years. Consider also those who have been lisenced into gospel ministry, only to spend 15 or 20 years serving the pastor and waiting on their turn to preach in the pulpit. Right now there are fellow Prophetess who are confined to giving a word in a chucrh service on the rare occasion that their pastor allows. Prophetic women if you learn nothing else, please know that those truly called to prophetic office cannot be contained by mere man. The Prophetic is a vertical relationship with God Almighty, by way of the Holy Spirit based on faith in Jesus Christ His Son. While we must obey rules in the land and in the church, you will see God supercede man made rules on yout behalf. We must be sensitive to His voice and know how to work within the system and obey Him completely simultinously. We do not have to usurp authority. God is gonna do what He;s goona do. And sometimes all that is required of us is to go along for the ride. And be thankful He gave a heads up on the situation. I recall a well known who was injured in a car accident. People were all over the Internet saying he was going through the trials of Job and he would overcome this attack of the enemy, but I knew something different. The same way Prophet Brian Carn prophesied in April regarding things to come for a prominent Pastor, God showed me this man was destined for death. This preacher had been to my town and he threatened anyone in the congregation who did not give in the offering that something bad would happen to them. I told a friend that God was tired of preachers threatening His sheep and that something bad would happen to this preacher. Not only did he threaten us but he never preached a sermon or had a call to salvation. He used God's house and His time to talk about money, cars and houses. And he did finally die of his the midst of people saying God was going to pull him through and he would be a great witness for the kingdom, and get his request to preach once more, he died. Some called me negative, but I was just flowing as a Prophet and knew the truth. Nebhi'ah there may be times when God shows you a truth that no one else can handle. Prophets must be mature. Just recenly a fellow Prophetess received the news that her brother's boat capsized. She did not waste time asking God why he did not warn her that her sibling was in trouble. This mature female Prophet asked the Lord if He would reveal to her where her brother's body was located, and He did. Fellow Nebhi'ah obey the command of Jesus to go ye into the area He has asigned for you. Make Him proud. Lead others to Jesus as you flow in demonstration of the Spirit and power. Be a sign and wonder for an unbelieving world. You go girl.
Nebhi'ah (Hebrew for Prophetess/ women Prophets). Nebhi'ah Ministries gives biblical insight into the roll of Prophetic women in today's society. And offers support as they flow in their God given calling.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
False Prophets/Prophetesses
One thing you can say about the Lord. He is an equal oportunity God. His wrath knows no gender when it comes to falsely prophesying in His Name. I was reading the book All the women of the bible and came across a passage entitled False Prophetesses. The scripture reference was Ezekiel chapter 13. In the later part of the chapter it seems the women as well as the men were prophelying in the Name of the Lord. And they were doing it for profit. People were paying these women and nothing they said was coming to pass. How pathetic. The Lord actually said these false female Prophets had profaned Him for a few hands full of barley. And He says "Woe to these women." Fellow Nebhi'ah be careful lest God say woe unto you. When He gives you a word for someone, deliver it. And do not Prostitute God's gift in you by setting a fee for your services. Allow the Lord to choose how and when you receive payment. Pastors often talk about the widow woman in I Kings chapter 17 who God used for a season to sustain the Prophet Elijah, but rarely do they mention that a few verses above this story, God sent ravens to feed the Prophet. Don't play with God as His wrath is as real as His grace and mercy. Don't be labeled with the false Prophetesses of Israel. They were speaking life where God said all was dead. And they spoke death to what God had called to life. Plus they were making magic charms. My sisters allow The Lord to mold and make you into the woman He desires you to be. And if He does not give you a word for a situation, don't make one up. It could cost you your life.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The Prophetess Hulda
In Second Kings chaper 22 and Second Chronicles 34, the Bible tells us that when the Prophet Jeremiah was not available, the King's messengers sought out Hulda the Prophetess. This shows that women Prophets were just as respected as their male counter parts. In biblical times Prophets were revered because they were God's mouth piece to the people. These men had no problem listening to the counsel they received from Hulda. They did not diuscount her because she was female. Obviously she had shown that she accurately heard the word of the Lord. And had accuracy in her prophesies. We who ae prophetic women today must maintain our lifeline of communication to the Lord, so that what we will have a reputation of accuracy and credibility. Prophets are not recognized in all Christiany churches today. Some preachers actually say that there is no need more need for Prophets as believers have the Holy Spirit . When you walk in your calling for a while you will know from experience that this is not true. As the Lord will reveal things to you and have you prepared for situations that stun others. Many wear the label of Prophet, but if we lined everyone up and ask them to share prophesies they gave which came to pass I have no doubt many would have nothing to say. I think of one female Prophet who was very popular for a time. I tpook notice that she gave a lot of revelations from the Old Tesgtament but for all her noteriety I cannot ever recall her actually prophesying something that came to pass.I Samuel chapter three tells us that the Prophet Sameul was known from one end of Israel to another as a Prophet of God because his words did not fall to the ground. While the word of God does not give many details about Hulda, it is obvious that if she was the king's choice in the absence of the great Prophet Jeremiah, she must have a track record that could be trusted. Prophesy is one area where we must walk our talk. We must have a resume where if our name is tied to it, people are confident that it is a word from the Lord. Fellow Nebhi'ah wear your prophetic mantle and wear it well . The title Prophetess before your name does not prove who you are. Flowing in the gift even without the title causes the gift to make room for you. Hulda's gift made room for her to the point of a King seeking her councel. What an honor.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Within the body of Christ there has been much abuse regarding finances. There are minsitries that tell their members to give to make the pastor a millionaire. There are television preachers who promise that if you give a certain amount God is going to heal you or save your loved ones. We see these preachers living lavish lifestyles while those who gave to them often go without. And many have been disappointed because they gave the money and did not get the promised miracle. I personally attended two churches where there was more emphasis on making the pastors rich that on the gospel or helping the poor. It put such a distaste in my mouth that I said I would do everything on my own and never ask anyone for a dime. A fellow minister pointed out to me that ministry does cost time and money and suggested I add a donate button, so that if the Lord led someone to give, the opportunity would be available. So if you believe you have been blessed by what you find on this site, and are led by the Lord, you may donate the amount of your choosing, minimun is $1.00, via paypal. I thank you in advance. Donated money will ensure Internet and radio ministry of the Gosple of Jesus Christ through Household of Faith/Nebhi'ah Ministries will continue.(the radio ministry is in the works) . As I feel I have been manipulated, I have no desire manipulate anyone else. Therefore the opportunity to donate is here if you so choose. Be blessed in Jesus Name
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A Prophet- is born
Jeremiah 1:4-5
Then the word of the Lord came to me saying: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I sanctified you. I ordained you a Prophet to the nations". Ephesians 4:11 says: He(God) Himself gave some to be Apostles, some Prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teacher.These scriptures clearly states that a Prophet is born not groomed into position by man.A true Prophet is ordained by God from birth, and is a gift to the body of Christ.. Even so, modern day churches have rules detemining how one is released into the gospel ministry. In most denominations an individual will go to their pastor saying they believe they have a call on their life. They will have a trial sermon and be given a lisence to preach, and in most cases take on the title Reverend(which is not in the Holy Scriptures). In many situations the Reverend will be an assistnat or assocaite minister of his or her church until later being installed as pastor of another. In other fellowships, it is the pastor who says God has told him it is time to lisence someone, and after trial sermon that individual will be referred to as a minister. After functioning for a time the minister may be promoted and ordained to the title of Elder. And it may be said of the Elder that he or she operates in one of the 5 giftings from God outlined in Ephesians. While Deacons Deaconess Trustees and even pastors in some cases may be appointed or voted upon, no man can give you the prophetic call. This is one time it is between you and God alone. A pastor may chose not to recognize your gift, but he will not stop it from flowing. Without proper teaching, as you find you perceive situations before they happen, you may consider yourself a psychic or medium. You may even be told your gift is a curse from the devil. This is why you need to have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, be filled wity the Holy Spirit and emerse yourself in God's word to make sure you do not open the door to demonic forces. Nebhi'ah Ministries will offer a safe haven with sound biblical teaching for Prophetic women. While only a few women Prophets are mnetioned in the bible, and none wrote their own chapter in the Holy Word, it does not mean they were non existant or less important than their male counter parts. A Prophet grows while seeking the Lord with all their heart. He Our Heavenly Father is the Master and teacher. Most things will come straight from Him and not be taught by anyone else, but caught from gthe realm of the Holy Spirit...This is why you must be sensitive to and know His voice. Thank you ofr stopping by Nebhi'ah Ministries, and hold on to this first lesson straight from the word of God. A Prophet/Prophetess is born. You were chosen before you knew Him, but He knew you. A pastor having a service to lisence install appoint or ordain you does not prove that God has annoingted you.Being registered with your state Government toperform marriages and funerals gives you legitmate an legal right to function. Obtaining an academic degree carries prestiege but does not prove God has puty His seal of approval upon you. Neither does your spiritual leaders dismissing you indicate that you are not.called by God.
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